Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Prosthetic Butter & Jelly

There you are!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fastforward/Purple Yam Challenge

Slightly over a year later, and what am I producing now?

Food. We are all producing food.

Which will be blogged here, for posterity, and so that our friends from far and wide can salivate over all we have created.


That was our first contest, with too-bright pictures and wide eyed chefs. What will follow after this post will hopefully be cohesively blogged, and certainly more prettily shot. But contained in this picture for the Purple Yam Challenge are: Fried noodles, purple yam latkis, duck wings, purple yam wonton soup, purple yam multi-layer stacked sandwiches, fried yam rolls, and a tart salad. This was sometime in January.