Monday, February 12, 2007


I just realized I have not updated this in many moons.
I was in Burlington this weekend, and New York the week before, so I did not get as much done as I do sometimes. I think I need to be bored into action.
Anyways, I've been doing a little knitting but it's pretty half assed. Last night I decided to make a button-down shirt, which is probably my most ambitious sewing project so far. I got maybe half way done and I'm hoping to finish it today. So far it's not that hard but takes a long time. Maybe they save the really hard parts for the end.
I also got fabric to make pants, which are even harder than shirts, apparently.
I also fixed one of the billion dresses in my pile of dresses that would be nice if I only fixed them.
My banjo is gathering dust. My banjo teacher invited me to come over for dinner and banjo practice but I am too ashamed of how bad I am since I have not been practicing. I can never show my face in this town again.
I have been cooking a lot of delicious food which counts for something. I love delicious food.
So here are some revised goals:
Finish my shirt
Fix up at least one more dress
Practice banjo for at least a little while every day until I move. I am moving home for a month at the end of this month, and there are many more people there who will shame me if they find out I haven't been practicing.
Keep applying to jobs. I'm doing ok at that. I want to apply to at least 5 more in the next two weeks.
Get rid of a lot of my stuff. This will be hard because I am a packrat/collector.
Maybe I'll post some pictures when I get home.
Shame on me.

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