Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Billy's Update 2/6/07

This week I made this:

This is what it looks like upside down:

I specify because, really, I don't know how it'll be oriented yet. It isn't totally finished, because I need to rice paper over the open air sections to diffuse some of the light. I just don't know how to do that while making as few mistakes as possible right now. My inspiration was plaid shirts and Neko Case. The red wood is fir, which when I say out loud, people always hear as "fur", and then they make a face. But it's wood, I swear. If I was physically attracted to lumber, it would be really thin fir with light behind it, much like in this lamp.
To your right is a close-up. In real life it looks sort of like that, but warmer and sexier.

Hey, "if." I said, "if."

I've also been learning some long overdue fundamentals, or at least vocabulary to talk about fundamentals, from a book about residential lighting design. You might have thought from my fancy college degree that I would've looked at books like this already, but no, I actually never even considered that there were books on such things. That'll learn me.


Lolo said...

Do you still want to trade art with me?

Billy Ulmer said...

Yes I do. I have to crank out some stuff I can sell, no more of this artin' around.