Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Billy's final update 2/27/07

So, let's let productivity pact 2007 officially wind to a close.

This is the last thing I made. This brings my totals to 4 new lamps, and one necessary "display model" I cranked out along the way. I also did some pretty helpful tactical research. I also wrote 5 chapters of a young adult novel. But now I'm thinking about poetry, so go figure.

Did I complete my goals? Certainly not. I wonder where my leisurely winter went. The first week of this thing, I felt like I had a million hours to spare, but that turned out to be the exception, not the rule. I also hamstrung myself by getting pretty contemplative (overly so?) about why I was doing what I was doing. Perhaps that was a mistake.

In any case, did I achieve the basic goal of doing more than I would have otherwise, without a pact? Yes, I did. I hope some of you felt the same way. If anyone is interested in keeping going in one way or another, or perhaps just connecting periodically about the Progress we feel we're making in one avenue of life or another, we should talk. Rachel and Julie, in particular, I'm looking in your direction. Post-college young folks need more prodding than anyone, and though I'm somewhat shackled by my collegiate-calendar job, I'm always interested in being challenged.

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