Monday, January 29, 2007

Billy's update 1/29/07

I have a sad, practically non-update this week. I spent my weekend enjoyably but mostly non-productively, except for when Lauren taught me to knit. Thanks, Lauren. So I'm 1/3 done with the biggest scarf in the world, but no additional lamps. And this visiting art program has now taken over VAPA for the week. I thought I had another day to sneak in and make some progress, but they've already set up and I'm not allowed in. So I'm a little stalled.

In other news, this week I read the worst young adult novel ever, page-turningly horrible, and decided to write my own young adult novel, which would have to be better than that. If I get more than halfway finished with this task, ever, I will make some lazy attempts at getting it published. What I have in my corner is the immense number of young adult books I've read in my life, and the fact that I have absolutely no artistic scruples about writing, and would be willing to write about any hot button issue that I thought would sell. I have a basic plot outline and chapter one. What more could I need?

My career trajectory might now be: Keep about 6 different pots on the stove and wait for one to boil. I'm having a lot of trouble with focus lately.

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