Hi guys,
This week I made this elephant, gave the seal a face, and made this skirt. The skirt was a pretty big accomplishment for me, since I don't usually use patterns or finish my sewing projects. Also I used fabric that's been in my fabric bin since high school which is good. I have a very large fabric collection and if I don't use at least some of it in the near future it will be hard to justify hauling it all the way to Portland.
I also worked on a sweater I'm knitting, but a couple hours ago I realized I had skipped an important part so I had to rip out everything I did this week. Oh well.
I also taught two boys to knit which isn't one of my goals but I think it oughta count for something.
I applied for two jobs in Portland.
I played a little banjo.
I think I am going to redefine my crafty goals a little. I'm not as excited about making things to sell on etsy, although I do still want to set up a little store. Lately I've been having fun making things to keep or give to my friends so I'm just going to go with that.
Also, thanks to everyone who posted stuff this week. My job is pretty boring so its always fun to see somebody's way cool project. It gives me hope that we won't all work boring jobs forever but instead will make way cool projects that will somehow make us lots of cash monies and life will be one big party. damn the man, or something.
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