Thursday, January 18, 2007

So Cyle can attest to the fact that I had a 2-weeks-into-FWT meltdown yesterday. If I were a man living in Europe, we would call it an existential crisis, but since I'm a girl in Vermont, we'll stick with meltdown. I bought a sketch book that is too big, and it made me feel like my life is small. I spent the morning sleeping late and taking my time getting dressed in order to heal from this experience. I plan on acquiring a more manageable recepticle for the Weather Report and approaching it with a bit of caution.

That said, here are a couple things I learned in my first few days of the revived Weather Report:
-avocados are botanically classified as a berry
-florescent colors are so bright because they capture rays of UV light that we can't normally see, and project them back out in a visible spectrum

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